Displaying 1 - 30 of 83 in total
Souleymane Bachir Diagne on Open to Reason: Muslim Philosophers in Conversation with the Western Tradition
This is Fatima Seck and you’re listening to Conversations in Atlantic Theory, a podcast dedicated to books and ideas generated from and about the Atlantic world. In co...
Benjamin Barson on Brassroots Democracy: Maroon Ecologies and the Jazz Commons
This is John Drabinski and you’re listening to Conversations in Atlantic Theory, a podcast dedicated to books and ideas generated from and about the Atlantic world. In...
Bryan Sinche on Published by the Author: Self-Publication in Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
This discussion is with Dr. Bryan Sinche, a Professor and Chair of English at the University of Hartford. He has written more than twenty essays and reviews which appe...
Jenny Shaw on The Women of Rendezvous: A Transatlantic Story of Family and Slavery
This discussion is with Professor Jenny Shaw, an Associate Professor of History at the University of Alabama where she teaches classes in the histories of the Caribbea...
Nana Osei-Kofi on AfroSwedish: Places of Belonging
This discussion is with Dr. Nana Osei-Kofi, (she/her) a Professor Emerita of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in the School of Language, Culture, and Society at O...
Étienne Achille and Oana Panaïté on Fictions of Race in Contemporary French Literature: French Writers, White Writing
This discussion is with Dr. Étienne Achille and Dr. Oana Panaïté. Dr. Achille is an Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Villanova University. His ...
Julia Hauser on A Taste for Purity: An Entangled History of Vegetarianism
This discussion is with Dr. Julia Hauser, a cultural historian interested in the entanglements of Europe, the US and Asia, mainly India and the Middle East, during the...
Imani D. Owens on Turn the World Upside Down: Empire and Unruly Forms of Black Folk Culture in the U.S. and Caribbean
This discussion is with Dr. Imani D. Owens, an associate professor of English at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. She studies and teaches African American and Caribb...
Jason Allen-Paisant on Engagements with Aimé Césaire: Thinking with Spirits
You’re listening to Conversations in Atlantic Theory, a podcast dedicated to books and ideas generated from and about the Atlantic world. In collaboration with the Jou...
Kathleen Spanos and Sinclair Emoghene on Dancing in the World: Revealing Cultural Confluences
You’re listening to Conversations in Atlantic Theory, a podcast dedicated to books and ideas generated from and about the Atlantic world. In collaboration with the Jou...
Joshua Myers on Of Black Study
You’re listening to Conversations in Atlantic Theory, a podcast dedicated to books and ideas generated from and about the Atlantic world. In collaboration with the Jou...
Autumn Womack on The Matter of Black Living: The Aesthetic Experiment of Racial data, 1880-1930
You’re listening to Conversations in Atlantic Theory, a podcast dedicated to books and ideas generated from and about the Atlantic world. In collaboration with the Jou...
Mark Deets on A Country of Defiance: Mapping the Casamance in Senegal
This discussion is with Dr. Mark W. Deets, an Assistant Professor of African and World History and the Director of the Center for American Studies and Research at The ...
Marlene Daut on Awakening the Ashes: An Intellectual History of the Haitian Revolution
Today’s discussion is with Dr. Marlene Daut , she is a Professor of French and African American Studies at Yale University and author of the recently published book Aw...
Eziaku Nwokocha on Vodou en Vogue: Fashioning Black Divinities in Haiti and the United States
This discussion is with Dr. Eziaku Nwokocha, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Miami. She is a scholar of Africana rel...
Drew Dalton on The Matter of Evil: From Speculative Realism to Ethical Pessimism
You’re listening to Conversations in Atlantic Theory, a podcast dedicated to books and ideas generated from and about the Atlantic world. In collaboration with the Jou...
Isaac Vincent Joslin on Afrofuturisms: Ecology, Humanity, and Francophone Cultural Expressions
This discussion is with Dr. Isaac Joslin who holds a PhD from the University of Minnesota in Francophone Studies. Currently Assistant Professor of Francophone Studies ...
Tina Post on Deadpan: The Aesthetics of Black Inexpression
Today’s discussion is with Dr. Tina Post, an Assistant Professor of English and Theater and Performance at the University of Chicago. Her recent first monograph, Deadp...
Rima Vesely-Flad on Black Buddhists & the Black Radical Tradition: The Practice of Stillness in the Movement for Liberation
Today’s discussion is with Dr. Rima Vesely-Flad, she is the author of Racial Purity and Dangerous Bodies: Moral Pollution, Black Lives, and the Struggle for Justice (F...
Jasmine Nichole Cobb on New Growth: The Art and Texture of Black Hair
A conversation with Dr. Jasmine N. Cobb about her book New Growth: The Art and Texture of Black Hair, published in 2022 by Duke University Press.
Darieck Scott on Keeping it Unreal: Black Queer Fantasy and Superhero Comics
Today’s discussion is with Dr. Darieck Scott, a professor of African American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. His book Extravagant Abjection: Black...
Perry Zurn on Curiosity and Power: The Politics of Inquiry
A conversation with Perry Zurn, who teaches in the Department of Philosophy at American University in Washington, D.C., about his book Curiosity and Power: The Politic...
Mari Crabtree on My Soul Is a Witness: The Traumatic Afterlife of Lynching
A conversation with Mari Crabtree about her book My Soul Is a Witness: The Traumatic Afterlife of Lynching, published in late-2022 by Yale University Press
Shanna Greene Benjamin on Half in Shadow: The Life and Legacy of Nellie Y. McKay
A conversation with Shanna Greene Benjamin about her new book Half in Shadow: The Life and Legacy of Nellie Y. McKay, published by University of North Carolina Press i...
Stefanie Dunning on Black to Nature: Pastoral Return in African American Culture
A conversation with Stefanie Dunning, Professor of English at Miami University in Ohio, about her book Black to Nature: Pastoral Return in African American Culture, pu...
Sarah Jane Cervenak on Black Gathering: Art, Ecology, Ungiven Life
A conversation with Sarah Jane Cervenak about her book Black Gathering: Art, Ecology, Ungiven Life, published by Duke University Press in 2021.
Andrea A. Davis on Horizon, Sea, Sound: Caribbean & African Women's Cultural Critiques of Nation
A conversation with Andrea A. Davis about her book Horizon, Sea, Sound: Caribbean & African Women's Cultural Critiques, published by Northwestern University Press in J...
Margret Grebowicz and Kiff Bamford on Lyotard and Critical Practice
A conversation with Margret Grebowicz and Kiff Bamford, discussing their new edited collection titled Lyotard and Critical Practice, published in late-2022 by Bloomsbury.
Mecca Jamilah Sullivan on The Poetics of Difference: Queer Feminist Forms in the African Diaspora
A conversation with Mecca Jamilah Sullivan about her book The Poetics of Difference: Queer Feminist Forms in the African Diaspora, published by University of Illinois ...
Christopher Freeburg on Counterlife: Slavery after Resistance and Social Death
A conversation with Christoper Freeburg on Counterlife: Slavery after Resistance and Social Death published in 2021 by Duke University Press.